Friday 28 February 2014

nanoblock Dump Truck and Road Compactor Build Instructions

Here are the build instructions for the Dump Truck and Road Compactor from my construction vehicle series =) ...

Thursday 27 February 2014

nanoblock Baby Milo

My design for Baby Milo from Bathing Ape. Yes, his head is really huge for that small body, but I did this intentionally cause I think it's cute =)

Wednesday 26 February 2014

5000 Fans! Thank You!

Today, my Facebook page crossed 5000 likes! Thank you so much for all your support! I really appreciate it =) ... Cheers!

Tuesday 25 February 2014

nanoblock Bulldozer Build Instructions

Originally, I had planned to release the build instructions for my construction vehicle series as an ebook. However, after much thought, I have decided to just release for free to thank all of you for all the support you have given me =) 

The first in the construction vehicle series being released is the bulldozer. Click here for the nanoblock build instructions.

Monday 24 February 2014

Building nanoblock Deluxe Himeji Castle Time Lapse Video

I finally found the time to build the Deluxe Himeji Castle (NB-006) that I bought awhile back =) ... Here's a time lapse video of the build ... a full review will be coming soon =)

Saturday 22 February 2014

nanoblock Disney Collection by Christopher Tan

Here is my line of Disney nanoblock designs =) ... Would you buy them if they were official products? =D

Thursday 20 February 2014

My nanoblock Goofy

This is the fifth in the line of main Disney characters that I designed recently. What do you think? =D ...

Here's a behind-the-scenes photo showing work in progress while designing Goofy =)

Wednesday 19 February 2014

My nanoblock Daisy Duck

Yesterday, you saw my nanoblock Donald Duck design ... well, today I bring you my nanoblock Daisy Duck =) ...What do you think? Cute? ^^

Tuesday 18 February 2014

My nanoblock Donald Duck

Lately, I have been so busy with work that I haven't had much time to do what I really love ... creating my own designs. Things have settled down a bit, so here I go again, my own nanoblock Donald Duck =) ... What do you think?

Monday 17 February 2014

Everything is Awesomeeeee!

Most of you have probably just watched the new Lego Movie out in the cinemas right now =) ... Well, here's my very short nanoblock parody ... Hahahahaha ...

nanoblock Pokemon Gengar, Charizard & Mewtwo Preorder

You can preorder them now! Click here for the preorder. There is also Facebook event for this over here. Invite all your friends! Yes, I ship WORLDWIDE. For price and shipping estimates, please go to the preorder link.

They are expected to be released in June 2014. Closer to that date, I will email you to confirm your order and provide you with the payment details. 

Note that the shipping cost is an estimate. I do not have the product in hand yet, so I don't know their exact weight. For orders above 500g, I will likely be using Fedex as it is cheaper in many countries. Rest assured, I will find you the cheapest method of shipping.

Also, I won't know for sure if I can get enough stock for everyone, so I will fulfill orders in the order they come in. If you want to be sure of getting yours, then please place your order early.

Please place your order only if you are serious about buying, as I will be using your preorders to place an actual order, so I have to pay for these items first. Thanks everyone! =)

Friday 14 February 2014

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day everyone! =) ... Put down your nanoblock and spend time with your loved ones okay! =D

Monday 10 February 2014

My nanoblock Name Card Holder

Here's my new nanoblock name card holder =D ... What do you think? =)

Friday 7 February 2014

Chris's Nanoblock on Streets of Shanghai?

Those of you who have been following my blog would probably already know that a bunch of my designs were stolen by a company in China and made into actual products. Well, here's a photo of someone selling it on the streets of Shanghai on the back of a bicycle ... Haha ... Oh wells ... 

Thursday 6 February 2014

nanoblock P-51 Mustang Review

Reviewed by Heather Spalding

Difficulty: Level 3
Time to Complete: 90 Minutes
No of Blocks: 480+
Item Code: NBM-005

Front of the box

Back of the box

A veteran of two wars -- World War II and the Korean War -- North American Aviation's Single Engine P-51 Mustang was the first U.S. fighter airplane to push its nose over Europe after the fall of France. 

One of the highest honors accorded to the Mustang was its rating in 1944 by the Truman Senate War Investigating Committee as "the most aerodynamically perfect pursuit plane in existence." (Source -

This Nanoblock P-51 Mustang is a medium sized set with over 480+ bricks.  There are two build modes: 1) Flight State (pictured on the front of the box) which displays on a movable stand to enable the aircraft to be posed in various flight positions, and 2) Landing State (pictured on the back of the box) which features the landing gear down and the model sits on the wheels.  I chose to do Flight State as I thought it would be better for display.

The bricks (and star stickers) included in this set

There are no “fancy” or “special shaped” bricks in this set (apart from the ball and joint ones used in the stand if building in Flight State).  Instead there are some clever ways of slotting in various sections, eg the wings and tail section, as you will notice they are built on a different orientation to the other parts of the plane.  The propeller also spins which is a nice feature.

Here are some photos of the build process:

The slot where the propeller attachment goes to 
enable it to spin freely

The main body of the aircraft

The horizontal tail section slotted into position

The various parts ready to be assembled together

Attaching the wings to the underside of the model

Close up of the underside with the wings attached

The underside of the completed model

The extra bricks included in this set

Below are some views of the completed model.

Built in Flight State, the model stands approximately 10cm high and is about 17cm long with a wingspan of approximately 18cm.

Overall it was not particularly challenging but it is an enjoyable model to build.

Wednesday 5 February 2014

nanoblock Fukusuke Review

Reviewed by StealthEagle

Name: Fukusuke
Japanese name: 福助
Category: Mini Collections
Level: 2
Item Code: NBC_102

Fukusuke is a traditional china doll in Japan commonly associated with bringing good luck and prosperity to people and businesses. He is also one of the auspicious icons of the Japanese New Year. You can read more about Fukusuke by clicking here

Contents of the Package

I was attracted by the vibrant colours of the packaging and the blocks inside, and so I decided to get it as a future reference for creating human figures.

For someone who is out of the collecting scene, I was happy to see that the instructions are big enough so anyone doesn’t have to use a magnifying glass to read. There is a block count for each step so you can pick out the required blocks before building; I guess Kawada learnt some stuff from Lego.

There was one thing that puzzled me the most; no base plate was included.

360° of the completed model

My only complaint about this build was how difficult the first 2 steps were; it was very annoying to see blocks of the 1st layer shifted when I tried building the second layer. After getting the first few hurdles, everything went smoothly.

I love how the distinctive appearance like the shape and colours of Fukusuke’s kamishimo is captured beautifully in blocky style. If I don’t know the name of this little charm, I would have thought he is a caricature of a old Japanese cartoon .

As usual, Kawada is very generous on giving lots of extra blocks although there is very use of them unless I dissembled the Fukusuke model.

Extra flesh coloured and special blocks after building

I would like to see more of these Japanese lucky charms by Kawada in the future. Not only these are fun to collect, they are also educational to people who are interested in the culture of Japan.

Thanks to StealthEagle for this review.